Well said Morpheus. I have respected each and every post you have made on any thread I have ever read. You make this place more fair and balanced.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Well said Morpheus. I have respected each and every post you have made on any thread I have ever read. You make this place more fair and balanced.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Iconoclastic, it would be remiss of me not to reply to your post. So how can I answer? In my opinion your post is neither madness nor blindness, and I get your observation on Ego. If I am honest I think you are floating in a strange wonderful new experience, but I don't get it.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
OrphanCrow I assure you I don't take any of your comments harshly. I can also assure you I certainly have not ignored any of the comments Cofty has made and I am sure Cofty will agree on that? In fact on the contrary I am looking forward to Coftys replys to our communication. You also say I am trying to force my opinion on this board. Please then clarify what that opinion is?
My opinion is that without scientific proof of what love or God is then people should be allowed to believe what they want to believe.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Sabin thank you for the reply. To answer your question, what I have learnt on this board has made me to decide to disfellowship myself. That is an emotional reaction, based on facts of what I have learnt. Before I leave this site I want to establish that without conclusive scientific proof on what love or God is, then I should respect each persons personal belief on that matter.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Cofty your replys were noted and appreciated.
Re your comments:-
A) " Ok then I can"
Then kindly proove it.
B) People sitting on a jury have to give a " yes" or "no" answer to the question "would you put a man to death based on beyond reasonable doubt?" How would you then answer?
I apologise that you didn't understand my third question " would you agree the evidence does not always convict?". So to clarify people have been convicted and received the death penalty based on DNA evidence. These convictions based on the evidence were later proved wrong convictions. So my question was " would you agree the evidence does not always convict?"
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Thanks for the reply Cofty.
Your answer about love was a little complicated for me, so I will have to come back to you on that one.
I appreciate your point about defining a God. I would say God is an emotion in the brain, but I am not saying that is madness.
You then say " WE" can show beyond all reasonable doubt that the God of theism doesn't exist. But you didn't say who the " WE" are?
Anyway you are preching to the converted. More importantly I want to keep this thread calm. My replys to your statements you are:-
A) Would you put a man to death based on beyond all reasonable doubt?
B) Would you agree the evidence does not always convict?
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
OrphanGrow I think your reply was a bit harsh. I can 100% assure you I do value other people's viewpoints on this forum. What I am saying is that without scientific proof love or God exist, people should be allowed to believe what they like. Therefore I can't clarify anything, only take on board people's personal opinions.
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Brain Damage.
" There is someone in my head, but it's not me.......
i can't think of anything to say
i think its marvellous Ha Ha Ha"
Pink Floyd.
A shred observant of that song may conclude our brain talks a lot of noncence.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
OrphanGrow thank you for your reasoning. To clarify I am at the end of my time on this board. From what I have learnt about the G.B i have decided to disfellowship myself.
This O.P is now to clarify my thinking on the many threads I have read from athiests and believers. My question therefore is:-
Is there any scientific evidence that love or God exist?
If not then I will leave having concluded love and God can only be proven to the believer they exist. And that is not to say they don't exist, it's just then personal choice either way.
The Rebel.
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Interesting observation Morpheus.
I would also like to answer " iconoclasic's" point about the beautiful Harmonica played at the church. Listening to the great rock bands, I noted Irom Maiden have used " God" 3 times in all their songs, but you rarely find a Lynyrd Skynyrd song with out God in the lyrics.
Why is this?
Its the target audience, Southern Rock is aimed at the South, and southern folks like songs with God in them. iron Maiden is targeting a different audience.
What has this got to do with my O.P Love is like God?
Only that music is a very emotional exsperience such is love and such is God and each produces chemical reactions on the brain.
The Rebel.